[Python-Dev] eggs now mandatory for pypi?

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Thu Oct 8 09:35:57 CEST 2009

David Lyon wrote:
> On Tue, 06 Oct 2009 16:45:29 +0100, Chris Withers <chris at simplistix.co.uk>
> wrote:
>> Well yeah, and the only sane way I can think to handle this is to have a 
>> metadata file that gets uploaded with each distribution that covers all 
>> these things (and the other things that other people need) and then have 
>> the index (which would hopefully be PyPI on the whole) be queryable 
>> along the lines of "give me a download url for a distribution named X 
>> that is for Python 2.6, Win32, UCS4, PostGreSQL 8.5, BlagBlah"...
> Exactly.
> I'd like to see that and it sounds like a very simple and reasonable
> proposal.
> One could say that much of the setuptools cloud came about because of
> the lack of the queryable download url. Setuptools does a lot of work
> here to 'work-around' the ommission on pypi of a package download url.

I think you two have missed my email to PJE.

In summary:

PyPI already does have mechanism for querying download URLs.


It only lacks some more meta-data that would be required to
match up the user's configuration with the one used in the
uploaded URLs.

And it would be handy to have a mechanism to just upload the
URL data rather than the whole package. Looking at distutils'
upload command, PyPI currently appears to only support uploads
of the package file itself.

Basically, most of the mechnisms are already there, they just need
some extra care.

BTW: Who would I need to contact for the PyPI side to work out
an upload_url distutils command ?

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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