[Python-Dev] standard libraries don't behave like standard 'libraries'

Kevin Teague kevin at bud.ca
Mon Nov 16 05:19:24 CET 2009

On Nov 13, 2009, at 6:23 PM, Greg Ewing wrote:

> Martin v. Löwis wrote:
> > Some of the Python maintainers have recently started objecting to  
> this
> > setup, asking that the standard library should be split into  
> separate
> > packages that are released and distributed independent of Python.  
> Others
> > of us feel strongly that such a change should not be made.
> I'd be worried, because I would no longer be able to
> release an app or package and say "requires Python x.y".
> I'd have to list the version numbers of all the micro
> packages making up the standard library that I use.
> Worse, I'd have to be aware of which ones I actually
> *do* use so I could mantain that list, something I don't
> have to think about at the moment.

"requires Python x.y" would imply a dependency on the working set of  
micro-packages which were shipped with that version of Python (or more  
specifically, any working set that was released within a particular  
Python release series). You would only need to list packages from the  
standard library as dependencies in special-case circumstances where  
you required a version higher or lower than what shipped with a  
particular release series of Python.

It would perhaps increase the potential for people to get into  
situations where they update a Python with newer packages which makes  
it incompatibe with other Python applications. This problem would be  
mitgated by the fact that the standard library tends to be very API  
stable, so usually newer releases only contain minor bug fixes or  
performance enhancements and are unlikely to cause breakage. Package  
installation tools would also still continue to install into site- 
packages, or ideally in a virtualenv or script-generation environement  
like Buildout does. So installing updates to the standard library  
could be done only to support those applications which require them,  
but leave the default working set untouched for any other Python  
applications. Conversely, it may also help the standard library  
compatability in some situations, as I've seen people copy newer files  
into the standard library locations as a method of applying bug fixes,  
and given a better set of metadata it would then be more natural to  
use tools which allowed updates to happen in an orderly fashion.

That's all given that splitting the standard library into individual  
packages also continues to release a single standard library. I don't  
really think releases small/medium/large sized standard libraries as  
was also discussed is a good idea.

Maybe usage of tools such as virtualenv and buildout aren't yet  
widespread enough to alleviate people mucking up their installations  
in such a way that causes them pain. And this would also make it  
easier for people to develop applications which would be harder to  
pakcage into linux distributions or other package managers which don't  
allow for non-global updates. However, these are only theoretical  
concerns. It's concrete issue such as this one:


Where a developer uses something in the standard library, and a python- 
dev commiter provides a fix very quickly (yay Tarek!). But then that  
developer has to be told to wait a year until the next Python release,  
then wait until you've got the time to migrate the rest of your  
application to the new Python release, then you can finally use that  
fix, and in the meantime even though the issue has been solved you  
still need to workaround the problem! It's issues like this where it's  
hard not to want to avoid using standard library packages (beyond  
"core" modules which stable and only change very rarely lke os, sys,  
re, etc.) because there are unneccessary roadblocks between developer  
and user.

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