[Python-Dev] Reworking the GIL

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Tue Nov 10 22:26:24 CET 2009

Hello again,

I've now removed priority requests, tried to improve the internal doc a 
bit, and merged the changes into py3k.

Afterwards, the new Windows 7 buildbot has hung in test_multiprocessing, 
but I don't know whether it's related.



Guido van Rossum <guido <at> python.org> writes:
> I would remove them -- if and when we find there's a need for
> something like them I suspect it won't look like what you currently
> have, so it's better not to complexificate your current patch with
> them. (I would remove all traces, including the conditions passed into
> the end macros.)
> >> My only suggestion so far: the description could use more explicit
> >> documentation on the various variables and macros and how they
> >> combine.
> >
> > Is it before or after
> > http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-checkins/2009-
November/087482.html ?
> After. While that is already really helpful, not all the code is
> easily linked back to paragraphs in that comment block, and some
> variables are not mentioned by name in the block.

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