[Python-Dev] PEP 3003 - Python Language Moratorium

Gregory P. Smith greg at krypto.org
Sun Nov 8 21:56:34 CET 2009

On Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 4:13 PM, Yuvgoog Greenle <ubershmekel at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 6, 2009 at 1:55 AM, Bobby R. Ward <bobbyrward at gmail.com> wrote:
>> A switch to ENABLE those warnings?
> I think a few people I know would still be raising strings like exceptions
> if not for the deprecation warnings. Most people won't turn on the switch
> with the extra warnings.
> --yuv

Yep and their code will break in the future as a result.  Thats their
problem (or whoever employed them and neglected to do code reviews and
beat them with a stick for using a Python 1.x "feature" in 2009).

SUGGESTION:  Our Whats New document currently has a single "new,
improved and deprecated" section in it.  We should make Deprecations
its own section so that they're easy to find all in one concise place
when upgrading code between releases.

Having seen the fallout from adding deprecating warnings to code: many
annoyed developers whos workflow you've interrupted who will all
eventually turn the warning off by default at all times.  I have to
agree.  The DeprecationWarning being on by default is a failed
experiement.  We should treat it and the rarely noticed
PendingDeprecationWarning as the same thing by default.


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