[Python-Dev] PEP 3003 - Python Language Moratorium

Willem Broekema metawilm at gmail.com
Sun Nov 8 02:03:50 CET 2009

On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 1:16 AM, Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info> wrote:
> Willem, the rationale for this PEP is to give alternative
> implementations the chance to catch up with CPython.
> Given your statement that CLPython is quite complete on the language
> level, but missing standard library features, how do you think the
> moratorium will help CLPython?

It would be great to have a pause in Python-the-language, so that
CLPython might at the end of the moratorium finally be up to date with
the latest 2.x and 3.x features.

Supporting standard libraries is a bigger challenge, as the ones
written in C need rewriting. Whether or not there is a pause on that
front does not matter too much to that situation.

- Willem

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