[Python-Dev] py3k, cgi, email, and form-data

MRAB google at mrabarnett.plus.com
Mon May 11 20:28:20 CEST 2009

Robert Brewer wrote:
> There's a major change in functionality in the cgi module between Python
> 2 and Python 3 which I've just run across: the behavior of
> FieldStorage.read_multi, specifically when an HTTP app accepts a file
> upload within a multipart/form-data payload.
> In Python 2, each part would be read in sequence within its own
> FieldStorage instance. This allowed file uploads to be shunted to a
> TemporaryFile (via make_file) as needed:
>     klass = self.FieldStorageClass or self.__class__
>     part = klass(self.fp, {}, ib,
>                  environ, keep_blank_values, strict_parsing)
>     # Throw first part away
>     while not part.done:
>         headers = rfc822.Message(self.fp)
>         part = klass(self.fp, headers, ib,
>                      environ, keep_blank_values, strict_parsing)
>         self.list.append(part)
> In Python 3 (svn revision 72466), the whole request body is read into
> memory first via fp.read(), and then broken into separate parts in a
> second step:
>     klass = self.FieldStorageClass or self.__class__
>     parser = email.parser.FeedParser()
>     # Create bogus content-type header for proper multipart parsing
>     parser.feed('Content-Type: %s; boundary=%s\r\n\r\n' % (self.type, ib))
>     parser.feed(self.fp.read())
>     full_msg = parser.close()
>     # Get subparts
>     msgs = full_msg.get_payload()
>     for msg in msgs:
>         fp = StringIO(msg.get_payload())
>         part = klass(fp, msg, ib, environ, keep_blank_values,
>                      strict_parsing)
>         self.list.append(part)
> This makes the cgi module in Python 3 somewhat crippled for handling
> multipart/form-data file uploads of any significant size (and since
> the client is the one determining the size, opens a server up for an
> unexpected Denial of Service vector).
> I *think* the FeedParser is designed to accept incremental writes,
> but I haven't yet found a way to do any kind of incremental reads
> from it in order to shunt the fp.read out to a tempfile again.
> I'm secretly hoping Barry has a one-liner fix for this. ;)
It think what it needs is for the email.parser.FeedParser class to have
a feed_from_file() method, supported by the class BufferedSubFile.

The BufferedSubFile class keeps an internal list of lines. Perhaps it
could also have a list of files, so that when the list of lines becomes
empty it can continue by reading lines from the files instead, dropping
a file from the list when it reaches the end, something like this:

[Module feedparser.py]
class BufferedSubFile(object):
     def __init__(self):
         # The last partial line pushed into this object.
         self._partial = ''
         # The list of full, pushed lines, in reverse order
         self._lines = []
         # The list of files.
         self._files = []

     def readline(self):
         while not self._lines and self._files:
             data = self._files[0].read(MAX_DATA_SIZE)
             if data:
                 del self._files[0]
         if not self._lines:
             if self._closed:
                 return ''
             return NeedMoreData

     def push_file(self, data_file):
         """Push some new data from a file into this object."""


and then:

class FeedParser:
     def feed(self, data):
         """Push more data into the parser."""

     def feed_from_file(self, data_file):
         """Push more data from a file into the parser."""


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