[Python-Dev] draft pep: backwards compatibility

Benjamin Peterson benjamin at python.org
Fri Jun 19 16:09:44 CEST 2009

2009/6/19  <glyph at divmod.com>:
> On 02:17 am, benjamin at python.org wrote:
>> Backwards compatibility seems to be an issue that arises a lot here. I
>> think we all have an idea of it is, but we need some hard place to
>> point to. So here's my attempt:
>> PEP: 387
>> Title: Backwards Compatibility Policy
> Thanks for getting started on this.  This is indeed a bikeshed that there
> would be less discussion around if there were a clearer PEP to point to.
>  However, this draft PEP points to the problem rather than the solution.  In
> order to really be useful this needs to answer a whole slew of very very
> specific questions, because the real problem is that everybody thinks they
> know what they mean but in fact we all have slightly different definitions
> of these words.

I don't expect this document at all to be the definitive policy all at
once. I expect it will evolve and be filled in as it is applied in
real life.

> I've taken a stab at this myself in the past while defining a policy for
> Twisted, which is here:
> <http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/CompatibilityPolicy>.  I think we might
> be a bit stricter than Python, but I believe our attempt to outline these
> terms specifically is worth taking a look at.

Yes, that's helpful. Thanks.

> The questions that follow might seem satirical or parodic but I am
> completely serious and each of these terms really does have a variable
> definition.

And will always no matter what we do. It's how natural language works.

>> * The behavior of an API *must* not change between any two consecutive
>> releases.
> What is "behavior"?  Software is composed of behavior.  If no behavior
> changes, then nothing can ever happen.

I mean that if you pass X and Y into a function and get Z in 2.6, then
you should be able to get Z from passing X and Y in 2.7 even if
there's a new argument that returns Z' if you pass True to it.
(Obviously, this is somewhat simplified, but I hope it helps.)

>> * A feature cannot be removed without notice between any two consecutive
>>  releases.
> Presumably removal of a feature is a change in behavior, so isn't this
> redundant with the previous point?

I wanted to qualify differently from explicit behavior change as I
defined above in this message.

>> * Addition of a feature which breaks 3rd party libraries or applications
>> should
>>  have a large benefit to breakage ratio, and/or the incompatibility should
>> be
>>  trival to fix in broken code.
> How do you propose to measure the benefit to breakage ratio?  How do you
> propose to define "trivial" to fix?  Most projects, including Python,
> Twisted, Django, and Zope, have an ever-increasing bug count, which means
> that trivial issues fall off the radar pretty easily.

Well, if you're tests aren't failing from it, is it an incompatibility?

> One of the big problems here in detecting and fixing "trivial" changes is
> that they can occur in test code as well.  So if the answer is "run your
> tests", that's not much help if you can't call the actual APIs whose
> behavior has changed.  The standard library would need to start providing a
> lot more verified test stubs for things like I/O in order for this to be
> feasible.
>> Making Incompatible Changes
>> ===========================
>> It's a fact: design mistakes happen.  Thus it is important to be able to
>> change
>> APIs or remove misguided features.  This is accomplished through a gradual
>> process over several releases:
>> 1. Discuss the change.  Depending on the size of the incompatibility, this
>> could
>>  be on the bug tracker, python-dev, python-list, or the appropriate SIG.
>>  A
>>  PEP or similar document may be written.  Hopefully users of the affected
>> API
>>  will pipe up to comment.
> There are a very large number of users of Python, the large percentage of
> whom do not read python-dev.  A posting on python-list is likely to provoke
> an unproductive pile-on.  I suggest a dedicated list, which should ideally
> be low traffic, "python-incompatible-announce", or something like that, so
> that *everyone* who maintains Python software can subscribe to it, even if
> they're not otherwise interested in Python development.

And that won't generate a pile-on?

>>  DeprecationWarning is the usual warning category to use, but
>>  PendingDeprecationWarning may be used in special cases were the old and
>> new
>>  versions of the API will coexist for many releases.
> Why is PendingDeprecationWarning the special case?

It should be used for things like string exceptions which are
deprecated but are not removed for a while.

> As outlined in the Twisted compatibility proposal, I'd prefer it if every
> warning went through multiple phases: pending, deprecated, gone: so that
> careful developers could release new versions of their software to quash
> noisy warnings *before* the new version of Python that actually made them
> user-visible was released.
>> 3. Wait for a release.
> How does this affect the parallel 2.x/3.x release cycle?

I just added something about this.

>> 4. See if there's any feedback.  Users not involved in the original
>> discussions
>>  may comment now after seeing the warning.  Perhaps reconsider.
> At this point, many developers may already have been porting over to the
> new, non-deprecated API.  I realize that there may be no way around that,
> but it's worth considering.
> Thanks for tackling this thorny problem.  Good luck!

I think I'll need it. Thanks. :)


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