[Python-Dev] Update to Python Documentation Website Request

David Lyon david.lyon at preisshare.net
Fri Jul 24 01:01:31 CEST 2009

On Thu, 23 Jul 2009 18:30:58 +1000, Ben Finney <ben+python at benfinney.id.au>
> In which case you should work to get it accepted into standard Python
> *before* asking for it to be promoted in the standard Python
> documentation.

I'm very interested in how I would go about doing that. 

Die-hard users probably know all the python issues relating to
package installation and appear to have thick skins. An "easy-way"
might not mean to much to them because they've settled down into
their own comfort zone.

But new users, who's first operating system comes complete with a
polished GUI, have an expectation for having a polished GUI tool
to download their python packages in.

Under Windows, we get IDLE. And ActiveState as I understand are
working on their own package manager for their own python distribution.

So maybe it is appropriate to consider having a GUI Package Manager
within at least the Windows distribution of Python.

Yes, please tell me the process...

I'm very interested.


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