[Python-Dev] PEP 376 - Open questions

Eric Smith eric at trueblade.com
Thu Jul 9 15:53:56 CEST 2009

P.J. Eby wrote:
> At 11:20 PM 7/8/2009 -0400, Eric Smith wrote:
>> P.J. Eby wrote:
>>>> ISTM that the problem that it solves is uninstall in the absence of
>>>> the original installer.
>>> Or uninstall where the installer is "setup.py install", actually.
>> I think we need to move away from "setup.py install". It's the 
>> antithesis of static metadata.
> Please note that that's entirely out of scope for the PEP at hand.

Yes. I'm just trying to point out that the information in the PEP is 
applicable only to the set of installers that want to work together in 
some integrated way. It doesn't apply to all installers, and I think 
that's the bigger problem.

But I grant you that the rest of my mail is veering off-topic, and 
there's a more appropriate thread now on distutils-sig.


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