[Python-Dev] Mercurial migration: progress report (PEP 385)

Dirkjan Ochtman dirkjan at ochtman.nl
Tue Jul 7 15:40:24 CEST 2009

On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 15:32, M.-A. Lemburg<mal at egenix.com> wrote:
> Hmm, no prefix or suffix ?

No, not really. hg often shows revision integers as well, but as they
aren't globally consistent, they're of little value in communicating
changeset pointers.

> So we'll always have to write "see deadbeefdeadbeefff for details"
> or "Reverting f00fl33df00fl33d00 after problems on Pentium CPUs" ?!

Yes. And it's really not that bad.



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