[Python-Dev] Mercurial migration: progress report (PEP 385)

Dirkjan Ochtman dirkjan at ochtman.nl
Sat Jul 4 10:12:04 CEST 2009

On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 17:17, Georg Brandl<g.brandl at gmx.net> wrote:
> Do you have a key to the second column in that file? E.g. the difference
> between "strip" and "discard" is not clear to me. "strip partial"?

strip == discard. strip = remove, merged should be obvious, keep-clone
means we'll keep the branch, in a separate clone, and keep-named means
we'll keep the branch as a named branch in one of the other clones.

> Why are there branch names starting with "../"?

Because some people in the history put their branch at
/python/branchname instead of /python/branches/branchname. That part
will get cleaned up.

[Regarding clone#branch syntax:]
> * Does it work with "hg pull" etc. too, afterwards?


> * Does it support more than one branch?

You can only reference one branch at a time using the fragment specifier.

> I would just kill all feature branches unless someone indicates it is
> still used.  There are very few active feature branches.
> (I guess in the case a branch gets killed erroneously it could still be
> re-created after the conversion?)

Re-creating it after the conversion could be done, I guess, but I'd
prefer to get it right, the first time. As the branch map says, I'm
mostly removing all the feature branches anyway.

> As long as it can send diffs...

It can.

> That gets very ugly as soon as you start pulling from repos that just
> fix a small typo or so.

Okay, so we do no automatic checking. We can always write a script
that walks the repository and finds all significant contributors.



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