[Python-Dev] Mercurial migration: progress report (PEP 385)

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Sat Jul 4 00:37:19 CEST 2009

On Jul 3, 2009, at 6:15 PM, Martin v. Löwis wrote:

> I'm fine with that plan - but the original problem remains. We will
> surely release 2.6.4 at some point, and it will have a different  
> version
> identification (based on hg rev ids).
> So those existing applications (which are probably few) will then  
> crash
> for 2.6.4, unless we continue maintaining 2.6 in subversion, or just
> arrange to fake sys.subversion somehow (e.g. freezing it on the last
> subversion revision - which might still break applications that insist
> on accessing the revision mentioned - not sure whether such  
> applications
> actually exist).

Doesn't Mercurial support an Subversion bridge?  Would it be possible  
to provide a /read-only/ copy of the hg branches for 2.4 (maybe), 2.5,  
2.6, and 3.1?  If so, then the release managers would simply have to  
cut their releases from the svn copy instead of the hg master.  /All/  
other work would be done from the hg master.  This shouldn't be too  
much of a burden since it's done so rarely and would end with the EOL  
of each of those branches.

It would mean maintaining the bridge until all currently released  
versions are EOL.

If that's not possible or feasible, then given the documented  
sys.subversion semantics, I think we should just freeze the tuple at  
e.g. ('CPython', 'branches/release26-maint', None).


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