[Python-Dev] PEP 376

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Wed Jul 1 10:47:07 CEST 2009

2009/7/1 Tarek Ziadé <ziade.tarek at gmail.com>:
>> As I suggested before:
>>    python -m distutils.uninstall packagename
> yes sorry if it was unclear, I was not thinking about adding something
> based on setup.py,
> but just saying that I was going to add this feature in the PEP. and
> it will be of the form:
>  python -m distutils.uninstall packagename
>> Calling it a "reference implementation" should not imply that it's not
>> built to be usable and complete. If it's there,m people should be able
>> to use it.
> It will be usable and complete, but very limited. As someone mentioned,
> it will not take care of dependencies and prevent you from removing a
> distribution that is mentioned in another distrubution in a
> setuptools' install_requires
> metadata.

Thank you. That is precisely the right level for the PEP, IMHO.

> That said, when PEP 345 evolves like we have planned to (adding
> install_requires in the metadata)
> Then we should be able to provide this kind of warning with no pain.

That's good, but not something that bothers me too much. (I'm still of
the view that dependencies should be handled by documenting them
properly - metadata isn't sufficient on its own).


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