[Python-Dev] Proposing PEP 345 : Metadata for Python Software Packages 1.2

Scott Dial scott+python-dev at scottdial.com
Mon Dec 28 12:02:50 CET 2009

On 12/28/2009 5:42 AM, Martin v. Löwis wrote:
>>> So specifying 2.5 would be a short-hand for *what*?
>> 2.5 would be a shorthand for 2.5.x. So, equivalent to : >=2.5.0, < 2.6.0
> Ok, so it's not a shorthand for a single operator anymore, but for a
> more complex term. Fine with me.
>> 2.5.0 would be the notation required to describe this specific micro version.
> I think it would be a shorthand for >=2.5.0, <2.5.1, right?

Actually, the logical extension is that 2.5.0 is shorthand for
>=, <, I believe.

PEP 386 versions can have an indefinite number of extradecimal versions.

Scott Dial
scott at scottdial.com
scodial at cs.indiana.edu

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