[Python-Dev] Tkinter: modify xview of entry widget

paolo.fragu at libero.it paolo.fragu at libero.it
Fri Aug 14 13:21:29 CEST 2009

I'm Paolo from Italy and I'm a python user.
I wish to propose a useful and smart method modify in Tkinter Library:

Previously to scroll this widget we had to write an external function  (recalling xview_moveto and xview_scroll).

With my method this operation is cleared and the same as all other widgets  (just have to call xview).

Modify Proposal:
Change the method xview of entry so it works as all widget scrollable, and it's compatible with 'old' xview.

So to scroll entry widget:


The change in module Tkinter is:

def  xview(self,*args):
    """Query and change horizontal position of the view."""
    if not args:
       return self._getdoubles(self.tk.call(self._w, 'xview'))
    #old code
    self.tk.call(self._w, 'xview', index)


I wish that this implementation could be integrated in Tkinter, and I remain at disposal for any question or further information.

Waiting for your response,
Best regards
Paolo Fraguglia 

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