[Python-Dev] 3.1 beta blockers

Eric Smith eric at trueblade.com
Tue Apr 21 13:13:34 CEST 2009

Alessio Giovanni Baroni wrote:
> There are some cases of OutOfMemory? On my machine the float->string 
> conversion is all ok. Also 'make test' is all ok.

I assume you're talking about issue 5775. I think it's all explained in 
the bug report. Basically, the float->string conversion can now return 
an out of memory error, which it could not before. marshal.c's w_object 
doesn't check for those error conditions. I doubt they'll ever occur in 
any test, but they need to be handled none the less.

It's on my list of things to do in the next week. But if there's anyone 
who understands the code and would like to take a look, feel free.


> 2009/4/21 Benjamin Peterson <benjamin at python.org 
> <mailto:benjamin at python.org>>
>     The first (and only) beta of 3.1 is scheduled for less than 2 weeks
>     away, May 2nd, and is creeping onto the horizon. There are currently 6
>     blockers:
>     #5692: test_zipfile fails under Windows - This looks like a fairly
>     easy fix.
>     #5775: marshal.c needs to be checked for out of memory errors - Looks
>     like Eric has this one.
>     #5410: msvcrt bytes cleanup - It would be nice to have a Windows
>     expert examine the patch on this issue for correctness.
>     #5786: [This isn't applicable to 3.1]
>     #5783: IDLE cannot find windows chm file - Awaiting a fix to the IDLE
>     or the doc build system.
>     --
>     Thanks for your work,
>     Benjamin
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