[Python-Dev] Needing help to change the grammar

Harry (Thiago Leucz Astrizi) thiagoharry at riseup.net
Sun Apr 12 21:09:22 CEST 2009

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Written by "Martin v. Löwis" <martin at v.loewis.de>:
> Notice that Python source is represented in UTF-8 in the parser.  It
> might be that the C source code has a different encoding, which
> would cause the strcmp to fail.

No, all the files in the surce code were already in UTF-8. My system
is configured to treat UTF-8 as the default encoding. This is not an
encoding problem.

Written by "Jack diederich" <jackdied at gmail.com>:
> I love the idea (and most recently edited PEP 306) so here are a few
> suggestions;
> Brazil has many python programmers so you might be able to make
> quick progress by asking them for volunteer time.

Yes, I have plans to ask for help in the brazilian Python mailing list
when I finish to prepare the C source code for this project. Then I
expect to receive help to translate the python modules for this new
language. There's a lot of work to do.

> To bug-hunt your technical problem: try switching the "not is"
> operator to include an underscore "not_is."  The python LL(1)
> grammar checker works for python but isn't robust, and does miss
> some grammar ambiguities.  Making the operator a single word might
> reveal a bug in the parser.

Thanks for the advice, you almost guessed what went wrong. I made some
tests and already discovered what's the problem. When I change
Grammar/Grammar, Python/ast.c and Modules/parsermodule.c to transform
"is not" in "not is", everything works fine and I create a new Python
verson where "a is not None" is wrong and "a not is None" is
right. But when I translate this to "não é", always happens a
SyntaxError. So the probles is really in the grammar checker that
can't handle some letters with accent.

Well, knowing where the problem is, I think that I can try to solve it
by myself. Thanks again.

> Please consider switching your students to 'real' python part way
> through the course.  If they want to use the vast amount of python
> code on the internet as examples they will need to know the few
> English keywords.
> Also - most python core developers are not native English speakers
> and do OK :) PyCon speakers are about 25% non-native English
> speakers and EuroPython speakers are about the reverse (my rough
> estimate - I'd love to see some hard numbers).

Yes, I know. To a more "serious" programmer, it's essential to have a
basic understanding in english and would be better for him to start
with the real Python. But my intent is not to substitute Python in
Brazil, but to create a new language that could be learned easily by
younger people for educational purposes. My intent is to show them how
a computer software works. But surely I will warn my students that to
take programming more seriously, it's important to learn how to
program in some other language, like the original Python. But thanks
for the advice.

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