[Python-Dev] Dropping bytes "support" in json

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Fri Apr 10 04:29:12 CEST 2009

On Apr 9, 2009, at 11:08 AM, Bill Janssen wrote:

> Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org> wrote:
>> Anyway, aside from that decision, I haven't come up with an
>> elegant way to allow /output/ in both bytes and strings (input is I
>> think theoretically easier by sniffing the arguments).
> Probably a good thing.  It just promotes more confusion to do things
> that way, IMO.

Very possibly so.  But applications will definitely want stuff like  
the text/plain payload as a unicode, or the image/gif payload as a  
bytes (or even as a PIL image or whatever).

Not that I think the email package needs to know about every content  
type under the sun, but I do think that it should be pluggable so as  
to allow applications to more conveniently access the data that way.   
Possibly the defaults should be unicodes for any text/* type and bytes  
for everything else.


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