[Python-Dev] pyc files, constant folding and borderline portability issues

Cesare Di Mauro cesare.dimauro at a-tono.com
Tue Apr 7 17:19:10 CEST 2009

In data 07 aprile 2009 alle ore 17:19:25, <skip at pobox.com> ha scritto:

>     Cesare> The only difference at this time is regards invalid operations,
>     Cesare> which will raise exceptions at compile time, not at running
>     Cesare> time.
>     Cesare> So if you write:
>     Cesare> a = 1 / 0
>     Cesare> an exception will be raised at compile time.
> I think I have to call *bzzzzt* here.  This is a common technique used
> during debugging.  Insert a 1/0 to force an exception (possibly causing the
> running program to drop into pdb).  I think you have to leave that in.
> Skip

Many tests rely on this, and I have changed them from something like:

   1 / 0


  a = 1; a / 0

But I know that it's a major source of incompatibilities, and in the final
code I'll enabled it only if user demanded it (through a flag).


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