[Python-Dev] PyDict_SetItem hook

Thomas Wouters thomas at python.org
Fri Apr 3 18:06:17 CEST 2009

On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 11:27, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at pitrou.net> wrote:

> Thomas Wouters <thomas <at> python.org> writes:
> >
> >
> > Pystone is pretty much a useless benchmark. If it measures anything, it's
> the
> speed of the bytecode dispatcher (and it doesn't measure it particularly
> well.)
> PyBench isn't any better, in my experience.
> I don't think pybench is useless. It gives a lot of performance data about
> crucial internal operations of the interpreter. It is of course very little
> real-world, but conversely makes you know immediately where a performance
> regression has happened. (by contrast, if you witness a regression in a
> high-level benchmark, you still have a lot of investigation to do to find
> out
> where exactly something bad happened)

Really? Have you tried it? I get at least 5% noise between runs without any
changes. I have gotten results that include *negative* run times. And yes, I
tried all the different settings for calibration runs and timing mechanisms.
The tests in PyBench are not micro-benchmarks (they do way too much for
that), they don't try to minimize overhead or noise, but they are also not
representative of real-world code. That doesn't just mean "you can't infer
the affected operation from the test name", but "you can't infer anything."
You can just be looking at differently borrowed runtime. I have in the past
written patches to Python that improved *every* micro-benchmark and *every*
real-world measurement I made, except PyBench. Trying to pinpoint the
slowdown invariably lead to tests that did too much in the measurement loop,
introduced too much noise in the "calibration" run or just spent their time
*in the measurement loop* on doing setup and teardown of the test. Collin
and Jeffrey have seen the exact same thing since starting work on Unladen

So, sure, it might be "useful" if you have 10% or more difference across the
board, and if you don't have access to anything but pybench and pystone.

> Perhaps someone should start maintaining a suite of benchmarks, high-level
> and
> low-level; we currently have them all scattered around (pybench, pystone,
> stringbench, richard, iobench, and the various Unladen Swallow benchmarks;
> not
> to mention other third-party stuff that can be found in e.g. the Computer
> Language Shootout).

That's exactly what Collin proposed at the summits last week. Have you seen
 ? Please feel free to suggest more benchmarks to add :)

Thomas Wouters <thomas at python.org>

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