[Python-Dev] hg branch gone?

Eric Smith eric at trueblade.com
Fri Oct 31 08:50:58 CET 2008

Georg Brandl wrote:
> Brett Cannon schrieb:
>> I just tried to update my 3.0 branch in hg from
>> http://code.python.org/hg/branches/py3k/ and hg is telling me it's a
>> 404. Anyone else having trouble?
> 404 here too.
> Since http://code.python.org/ serves the loggerhead Bazaar view, I suppose
> the problem is that the loggerhead app greedily tries to serve all URLs
> below code.python.org/.
> Yet another hint at the evil force-Bazaar-upon-them conspiracy <wink>.

I'm not so sure Bazaar isn't it's own victim :)

I posted this yesterday about using bzr:

 >I'd like to try it out, but the instructions on
 > http://www.python.org/dev/bazaar/ say to get wget
 > http://code.python.org/snapshots/python-bzr-snapshot.tar.bz2, which is
 > a 404. Anyone know the actual URL?

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