[Python-Dev] Has python-dev collapsed?

Christian Heimes lists at cheimes.de
Wed Oct 29 00:00:19 CET 2008

Guido van Rossum wrote:
> Or have I been removed from the list? I'm not getting any mail it
> seems. Or at least very little. Or are we all just tired of trying to
> fix the release blockers in 3.0?

Don't worry yourself. You are still on the list and we are still 
fighting release blockers. But development has slowed down a lot in the 
past days.

But I've good news for you! Most release blockers have reviewed patches 
and are waiting for Barry. As a bonus Skip, Jesse and I have finished 
the first release of multiprocessing for 2.4 and 2.5. Yesterday I 
released the first version including Windows binaries.


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