[Python-Dev] datetime and timedelta enhancement

Victor Stinner victor.stinner at haypocalc.com
Sat Nov 15 02:10:32 CET 2008

Le Saturday 15 November 2008 02:01:42 Victor Stinner, vous avez écrit :
> > 1- convert a datetime object to an epoch value (numbers of seconds since
> >    the 1st january 1970), eg. with a new totimestamp() method
> > 2- convert a timedelta to a specific unit (eg. seconds, days, weeks,
> > etc.)
> Another solution is proposed by Christian Heimes: "implement __int__
> and __float__ on timedelta objects (...)

The solution was implemented as patch in:

The issue is closed and there was a problem with hash():
   timedelta(0, 1) == 1   
   hash(timedelta(0, 1)) != hash(1)

Victor Stinner aka haypo

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