[Python-Dev] DVCS PEP update

Christian Heimes lists at cheimes.de
Thu Nov 6 15:23:31 CET 2008

Brett Cannon wrote:
> I have emailed some people who have shown allegiance to a specific
> DVCS to seeif they are willing to fill in the usage scenarios for me
> along with converting the dev FAQ so that we all have a clear way to
> learn how to use the things. If any of the people I emailed turn down
> being the leader fo ra specific DVCS I will email here looking for
> volunteers.

Hey Brett!

I'm missing a few points in your use case list:

* Does the DVCS handle merges over file reneames, directory renames
   and file moves to another directory?

* Are there any graphical interfaces to the DVCS? Tortoise svn is
   a killer application for Windows users.

* How hard is it to install the DVCS for a user few or no CLI
   experience? Are there installers for the most common systems
   (Mac, Windows, Debian and RPM based distros)? Do the installers
   and packages require uncommon extensions, 3rd party tools or
   admin privileges?


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