[Python-Dev] Looking for VCS usage scenarios

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Mon Nov 3 18:57:10 CET 2008

Hi Brett,

Brett Cannon <brett <at> python.org> writes:
> I have started the DVCS PEP which can be seen at
> http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dg7fctr4_40dvjkdg64 . Not much is there
> beyond the rationale, usage scenarios I plan to use, and what other
> sections I plan to write.

I'm not sure that's the kind of feedback you want, but it isn't clear what you
mean with "checkout". Is it just a working copy (then it would be better to use
this term)? Is it some kind of shallow clone containing only part of the
history? Or anything else?



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