[Python-Dev] Finishing up PEP 3108

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Thu May 29 06:38:05 CEST 2008

The issues related to PEP 3108 now total 14. With the beta
(supposedly) in a week, I am hoping the last minor details can be
pulled together or decisions made on what can be postponed and what
should definitely be considered a release blocker.

Issue 2847 - the aifc module still imports the cl module in 3.0.
Problem is that the cl module is gone. =) So it seems silly to have
the imports lying about. This can probably be changed to critical.

Issue 2848 - mimetools has been deprecated for a while, but it is
still used in a bunch of places. Since this has been deprecated in PEP
4 for a long time, should we add the removal warning in 2.6 now and
then make its actual removal of usage something to do by another beta?

Issue 2849 - rfc822 is the same problem as mimetools.

Issue 2854 - gestalt needs to be added back into 3.0. This is
Benjamin's issue. =)

Issue 2873 - htmllib is slated to go, but pydoc still uses it. Then
again, pydoc is busted thanks to the new doc format.

Issue 2874 - the stat module is not so useful anymore, but it still
has functions that are useful. Currently the value returned by
os.stat() is a named tuple, but that won't support methods. So the
object returned by os.stat() needs to probably become a proper object
in posix.

Issue 2876 - The UserDict module has been removed in 3.0, but two
classes were moved and renamed in collections and another was removed.
The removal is a 3.0 warning, but the class renaming might be a tricky
2to3 fixer (not sure if the fix_imports fixer can be tweaked to handle

Issue 2877 - UserString.UserString moved. Just need to apply the patch.

Issue 2878 - Ditto for UserList.

Issue 2885 - Creation of the urllib package. Jeremy has been working
on this. I believe his patch is up on rietveld.

Issue 2917 - This is merging pickle and cPickle. Alexandre's thing.

Issue 2918 - Same for StringIO/cStringIO.

Issue 2919 - profile and cProfile needs to be merged. This has not
been dealt with yet. Would it be reasonable to deprecate importing
cProfile directly in 2.6 with the assumption the merge will work out
for 3.0?

So that is everything that's left. Issue 2775 is the tracking issue so
you can look there to see what issues are still open and need work. I
was hoping to spend Monday and Tuesday trying to tie up as many loose
ends as possible, but the conference paper I have been working on that
was due Sunday is now due a week later, and so Monday and Tuesday will
be spent on that (supervisor's orders). Plus I am flying out Wednesday
for 10 days to help my mother move and I don't know when I will get
Net again. In other words, I still need help. =)


P.S.: A huge thanks goes to everyone who has helped so far. My life
has been nothing but stress for a while now and you guys have helped
keep the stress from reaching epic proportions.

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