[Python-Dev] Importing bsddb 4.6.21; with or without AES encryption?

Jesus Cea jcea at jcea.es
Thu May 22 20:30:07 CEST 2008

Hash: SHA1

Gregory P. Smith wrote:
| On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 5:12 PM, Trent Nelson <tnelson at onresolve.com>
|>> Trent Nelson wrote:
|>> | Gah.  I just went and visited the Berkeley DB download site as
|>> | I was preparing my commit message so I could refer to the
|>> | exact .tar.gz being imported, only to notice that the latest
|>> | version is now 4.7.25.  Jesus, can we use this version?
|>> Err.... No.
|>> It is not clear to me that python 2.6/3.0 will be published with BDB 4.6
|>> or 4.7 support. 4.6 has several known issues, apparently solved in 4.7.
|>    I could have sworn I heard a few people mention that "4.5 has issues,
|>    but they're solved in 4.6" at PyCon ;-)
| The line I was giving at PyCon was "4.6 has issues, we might want to
| stick with 4.5" which is why I left setup.py limiting itself to (4, 5)
| despite the code being compatible with 4.6.

I guess we need first all buildbots updated to 4.7.25 before changing
the setup.py to support BDB 4.7, to avoid no updated ones linking
against (old) buggy 4.6 releases.

Reading the buildbot outputs, I see some machines using "ancient" BDB
versions. For example, "amd64 gentoo trunk" uses 4.4.x. Would be nice to
know the exact release :-).

This is interesting, because a buildbot using a DBD < 4.7 will not
exercise the module at full capacity, so buildbot value is, somewhat,

For example, testsuite against a 4.0 BDB has 270 tests. Against 4.6, it
has 292 test. Now that 4.7.25 is published, pybsddb 4.7.x testsuite will
get even bigger, but only when testing against a 4.7 installation!.

I would hate to find problems in Python beta releases because the
buildbots are outdated :(

| If it passes the entire test suite
| several times on windows x86 and amd64 builds when built with
| BerkeleyDB 4.7 (once Jesus commits the support code) I'm inclined to
| say we should ship with it and only revert back to 4.5 if someone has
| problems with it during a beta.


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Jesus Cea Avion                         _/_/      _/_/_/        _/_/_/
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