[Python-Dev] Slice as a copy... by design?

Isaac Morland ijmorlan at cs.uwaterloo.ca
Thu May 22 20:23:10 CEST 2008

On Thu, 22 May 2008, Christian Heimes wrote:

> The buffer interface was designed for the slice-as-copy use case:
>>>> a = "abcdefg"
>>>> b = buffer(a, 2, 3)
>>>> b
> <read-only buffer for 0x839c2e0, size 3, offset 2 at 0x8391c40>
>>>> str(b)
> 'cde'

This answers my musing about shared slices.  But it points me at another 
question: why is buffer() listed in "Non-essential Built-in Functions"? 
While it is obviously not essential like str() or list(), it isn't 
deprecated like apply().  On the other hand, some other built-in functions 
listed under "Built-in Functions" are probably also not essential (I'm not 
going to go any further out on the limb by giving an example!).

Perhaps I misunderstand the intent of this manual page.


Isaac Morland			CSCF Web Guru
DC 2554C, x36650		WWW Software Specialist

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