[Python-Dev] Module renaming and pickle mechanisms

Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Tue May 20 08:29:45 CEST 2008

Benjamin Peterson schrieb:

>> svnmerge is written in Python, so wouldn't it be possible to add
>> support for maintaining such renaming to that tool ?
> svnmerge.py is mostly a wrapper over svn merge, and svn merge can't
> handle it, so I don't think is easily possible.
>> I don't think that an administrative problem such as forward-
>> porting patches to 3.x warrants breakage in the 2.x branch.
> I am a bit worried for the sanity of the Merger, though. Merges into
> non-existent files are skipped automatically, so it doesn't make life
> any easier.
> <shameless_advertising>Bazaar can handle renames
> correctly.</shameless_advertising>

So can dozens of other VCSs. Just to keep perspective.


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