[Python-Dev] How to help out with PEP 3108

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Mon May 12 03:44:12 CEST 2008

I have tried to update PEP 3108
(http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3108/) as best as I can to list
what needs to be done for each module in order to get it removed if
there is some extra step. The ones without comment most likely need no
special work and thus I can take care of really quickly myself (have
it down to instinct at this point). But anything with special needs I
would appreciate the help in dealing with. I have also tried to make
the steps necessary to deal with the various modules as clear as
possible in the PEP itself.

Although I created issue 2775 to track stuff, it is probably wiser to
create individual issues for the modules that require any form of work
to deal with. Just make sure that if you do that you make it a
dependency in issue 2775 (and if you can, list it in the PEP).

I would like to not have to hold up the betas just because of this
PEP, but I don't know if I can finish the PEP completely on my own. So
help is appreciated. Thanks to anyone who can help (or who already


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