[Python-Dev] PEP 365 (Adding the pkg_resources module)

Neil Hodgson nyamatongwe at gmail.com
Fri Mar 21 23:24:14 CET 2008


>  Um, isn't this tool called "unzip"?  I have done this -- accessed the
>  source code -- many times, and unzip suffices.

   The type of issue I ran into with eggs is when you get an exception
with a trace that includes an egg, you can't use the normal means to
look at the code. Instead you have to understand that its an egg,
unzip the code, manually translate the path, open the file and go to
the line number. Similarly, you can't easily grep the code in its egg
state. If there was a global flag where I could say 'install eggs as
directories of source' then I'd be much happier. Just reread the
EasyInstall documentation and '--always-unzip' is portrayed as a
'don't do this' option.

   As it is I just avoid eggs. They may make sense for installing
applications but for development they get in the way.


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