[Python-Dev] PyCon: please review miy pending patches

Christian Heimes lists at cheimes.de
Thu Mar 20 00:40:36 CET 2008

Dear sprinters!

I've a batch of pending patches I like to get into Python before the 
next alphas are send out. The math, epoll/kqueue and shell folder 
patches just need a review. The memory management patches are more 
complex. Please refer to the thread "int/float freelists vs pymalloc", too.

epoll and kqueue patch:

Mark's and my math branch:
trunk$ svnmerge.py merge -S 

Windows shell folder patch for os.path:

Memory management of ints, floats and longs

I've also two pending PEPs. I like to see at least PEP 370 in Python 2.6 
and 3.0. It's not as intrusive as PEP 370 and IMHO very useful for 
deployment of Python applications.

Post import hooks http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0369/

Per user site-packages directory http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0370/


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