[Python-Dev] Windows buildbots randomly die with twisted ConnectionLost errors?

Thomas Heller theller at ctypes.org
Wed Mar 5 16:03:54 CET 2008

Trent Nelson schrieb:
> I've started to see my build slave dying every so often with a
> twisted error half way through tests: ... test_htmlparser 
> test_httplib
> remoteFailed: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames):
> twisted.internet.error.ConnectionLost: Connection to the other side
> was lost in a non-clean fashion. ]
> Examples: 
> http://www.python.org/dev/buildbot/all/x86%20W2k8%20trunk/builds/46/step-test/0
> http://www.python.org/dev/buildbot/all/x86%20W2k8%20trunk/builds/36/step-test/0
> I'm not sure if I should read into the fact that it's occurring after
> networking-oriented tests like test_httplib and test_ftplib.  Running
> rt.bat on the resulting build manually doesn't indicate any errors in
> these tests.  Have other Windows buildbot owners seen this?
> Trent.

I have not observed this behaviour on my buildbots.  Have you looked into
the twistd.log logfile?


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