[Python-Dev] PEP3118, python 2.6

Thomas Heller theller at ctypes.org
Thu Jun 5 22:05:30 CEST 2008

Lisandro Dalcin schrieb:
> On 6/5/08, Thomas Heller <theller at ctypes.org> wrote:
> Thomas, Iff this helps, you have attached the backport but as an
> extension module.  Sorry, I do not have time for the full backport.
> But at least, I've found that the Py3K implementation works

Thanks for the effort.  Maybe I will look into that later.  (And, if
you want to make sure that your patch doesn't get lost and hopefully
reviewed you should add it to the bug tracker.)

In the meantime I found that I already had a _ctypes private function
that can expose the needed info to Python, for ctypes pep3118 testing.

Thanks again,

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