[Python-Dev] Community buildbots and Python release quality metrics

Grig Gheorghiu grig.gheorghiu at gmail.com
Mon Jul 7 21:54:23 CEST 2008

On Sun, Jul 6, 2008 at 2:09 PM, Grig Gheorghiu <grig.gheorghiu at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'll send a message to the pybots mailing list asking people whose
> buildbots are turned off if they're still interested in running them.
> Negative or no answers will mean we can remove them from the farm.

OK, I posted a message to the pybots mailing list and I removed 2
slaves. Out of the 6 remaining, 4 are currently active, and one will
hopefully soon be active starting next week. This leaves just one
unanswered for so far. I also got an email from another person
volunteering a buildslave, so we'll soon have 7 machines.

As I said, if anybody else wants to participate in the Pybots project,
please let me know! I'll also post a blog entry on this soon.


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