[Python-Dev] UCS2/UCS4 default

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Thu Jul 3 13:58:17 CEST 2008


> Subsequently doing a: print a[1] to get the 0x942a (鐪) actually requires
> a[2] on the 2-byte Python 3.0.

How is it annoying *in practice*? In actual code the index, instead of
being a constant, will be retrieved through various means such as .find()
or re.search().start()... as you show yourself later in your message.

What is primordial is that Python shows a consistent behaviour, and it
does, since indices returned by .find() et al. have the same meaning as
indices you can use with the [] operator. AFAIK that's why Guido asked
for real-world rather than theoretical examples.



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