[Python-Dev] pkgutil, pkg_resource and Python 3.0 name space packages

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Mon Jan 7 22:01:42 CET 2008

Hash: SHA1

On Jan 7, 2008, at 11:37 AM, Phillip J. Eby wrote:

>> Python automatically adds ~/.python/site-packages to sys.path; this  
>> is
>> added /before/ the system site-packages file.  An open question is
>> whether it needs to go at the front of the list.  It should  
>> definitely
>> be searched before the system site-packages.
> What about including the Python version in the directory name?  C  
> Extensions may not work correctly across versions, and bytecode will  
> get recompiled a lot if you're using multiple versions.  Also, if  
> this is a 2.6/3.0 change, it's likely that the *source* won't be  
> compatible across versions either.  :)

D'oh, yes of course.  So make that:


>> Python treats ~/.python/site-packages the same as the system site-
>> packages, w.r.t. .pth files, etc.
>> Open question: should we add yet another environment variable to
>> control this?  It's pretty typical for apps to expose such a thing so
>> that the base directory (e.g. ~/.python) can be moved.
>> I think that's all that's needed.  It would make playing with
>> easy_install/setuptools nicer to have this.
> Assuming that this is a true "site" directory (i.e., .pth files are  
> recognized), then yes.

IMO, it should be a true site directory.

- -Barry

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (Darwin)


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