[Python-Dev] [Python-3000] Python 2.6 and 3.0

Christian Heimes lists at cheimes.de
Mon Feb 25 16:01:21 CET 2008

Mark Hammond wrote:
> Me too - I still regularly build the svn version of Python, and although I don't regularly turn them into .MSI files, I'm confident I could learn how to do that ;)  I understand that over time the binary process will need some tweaking, but in the general case, I expect that turning the crank for a test build needn't be that much or a burden. I expect the biggest problem is that I could no longer ignore certain extensions I don't care about, such as Tk.

It's not too hard. Tkinter, bsddb and friends are explained in
PCbuild/README.txt. You should be able to compile them in less than half
an hour.

For the MSI installers you also need Python 2.5, your pywin32 package
and some additional tools like the help compiler and cabarc.exe.

Have you solved the problem with the VS CRT redist
(http://bugs.python.org/issue1569)? Maybe Mark is able to assist you.


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