[Python-Dev] Py3k and asyncore/asynchat

Daniel Arbuckle djarb at highenergymagic.org
Thu Feb 14 16:44:55 CET 2008

First of all, you're conflating my two possible patches.

One patch just addresses the problem of strings and bytes, as GvR
asked me to do, and adds an 8-line class called iterator_producer that
adapts iterators into producers. The patch doesn't change how the
module works at all, and iterator_producer is not invoked anywhere
within the code; it's purely for user convenience. I consider this the
primary patch and would like to focus attention there if possible.

The other patch combines the string and bytes fix with a porting of
1736190 and the other things you complain about, most of which scratch
personal itches. If the patches you mention are actually going to be
applied, then this patch isn't the way to go, and I'll maybe submit
parts of it as separate patches. If they're just going to waste away
in the bug tracker, though, this patch should be seriously considered.

I'm quite willing to re-construct my string and bytes patch against a
version of py3k in which the pre-existing patches are already applied.
There needs to be forward progress, though: If nothing at all gets
done, asyncore is going to be removed from the standard lib. I don't
want to see that happen.

On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 5:55 AM, Giampaolo Rodola' <gnewsg at gmail.com> wrote:
> (wrong quoting: obvioulsly I was talking to Daniel)
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