[Python-Dev] Fix of urgent exception pickling issue in Python 2.5.2, help needed

Jaroslav Pachola j_p at centrum.cz
Sun Feb 3 15:01:52 CET 2008

As you may know, I recently posted a message about the following issue: 
http://bugs.python.org/issue1692335 . The issue has been reviewed by 
Guido van Rossum yesterday and as it seems there are some serious 
concerns about breaking the pickle protocol functionality and that's why 
I please the mailing list subscribers for help. Review of the attached 
patches by someone who has a deep insight into the pickle protocol would 
be really appreciated.

Let me briefly explain the situation: Before version 2.5, it was 
perfectly possible to pickle and unpickle subclasses of Exception class 
with custom initializer parameters. In 2.5 it does not work any more and 
I think the issue is related to new-style class exceptions introduced in 
Python 2.5. The bug tracker contains patch that fixes the issue and adds 
some useful test cases. The patch seems to be relatively clean and 
simple, but still it seems necessary that another experienced developer 
reviews the patch so the issue can be resolved and closed. The issue 
prevents some existing projects to move to Python 2.5, please help.


Jaroslav Pachola

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