[Python-Dev] Should there be a way or API for retrieving from a code object a loader method and package file where the code comes from?

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Tue Dec 23 16:41:56 CET 2008

2008/12/23  <rocky at gnu.org>:
> What is wanted is a uniform way get and describe a file location
> from a code object that takes into account the file might be a member
> of an archive.

But a code object may not have come from a file. Ignoring the
interactive prompt (not because it's unimportant, just because people
have a tendency to assume it's the only special case :-)) you need to
consider code loaded via a PEP302 importer from (say) a sqlite
database, or code created using compile(), or possibly even more
esoteric means.

So I'm not sure your request is clearly specified.

> Are there even guidelines for saying what string goes into a code
> object's co_filename? Clearly it should be related to the source code
> that generated the code, and there are various conventions that seem
> to exist when the code comes from an "eval" or an "exec".

I'm not aware of guidelines - the documentation for compile() says
"The filename argument should give the file from which the code was
read; pass some recognizable value if it wasn't read from a file
('<string>' is commonly used)" which is pretty non-commital.

> But empirically it seems as though there's some variation. It could be
> an absolute file or a file with no root directory specified. (But is
> it possible to have things like "." and ".."?). And in the case of a
> member of a package what happens? Should it be just the member without
> the package? Or should it include the package name like
>   /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/tracer-0.1.0-py2.5.egg/tracer.py ?
> Or be unspecified? If left unspecified as I gather it is now, it makes
> it more important to have some sort of common routine to be able to
> pick out the archive part in a filesystem from the member name inside
> the archive.

I think you need to be clear on *why* you want to know this
information. Once it's clear what you're trying to achieve, it will be
easier to say what the options are.

It sounds like you're trying to propose a stronger convention, to be
enforced in the future. (At least, your suggestion of producing stack
traces implies that you want stack trace code not to have to deal with
the current situation). When PEP 302 was being developed, we were
looking at similar issues. That's why I pointed you at get_source() -
it was the best we could do with all the various conflicting
requirements, and the fact that it's optional is because we had to
cater for cases where there simply wasn't a meaningful answer.
Frankly, backward compatibility requirements kill a lot of the options

Maybe what you want is a *pair* of linked conventions:

    - co_filename (or a replacement) returns a (notionally opaque, but
in practice a filename for file-based cases) token representing "the
file or other object the code came from"
    -  xxx.get_source_code(token) is a function (I don't know where,
xxx is a placeholder for some "suitable" module) which, given such a
token, returns the source, or None if there's no viable concept of
"the source".

Or maybe you want a (possibly separate) attribute of a code object,
which holds a string containing a human-readable (but quite possibly
not machine-parseable) value representing the "place the code came
from" - co_filename is essentially this at the moment, and maybe your
complaint is merely that you don't find its contents sufficiently
human-readable in the case of the zipimport module (in which case you
might want to search some of the archives for the discussions on the
constraints imposed on zipimport, because objects on sys.path must be
strings and cannot be arbitrary objects...)

I'm sorry if this is a little rambling. I can appreciate that there's
some sort of issue that you see here, but I don't yet see any
practical way of changing things that would help. And as always,
there's backward compatibility to consider - existing code isn't going
to change, so new code has to be prepared to handle that.

I hope this is of some help,

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