[Python-Dev] [python] Re: New lines, carriage returns, and Windows

Nick Maclaren nmm1 at cus.cam.ac.uk
Sun Sep 30 11:34:58 CEST 2007

Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz> wrote:
> > Grrk.  That's the problem.  You don't get back what you have written
> You do as long as you *don't* use universal newlines mode
> for reading. This is the best that can be done, because
> universal newlines are inherently ambiguous.

I don't know PRECISELY what you mean by "universal newlines mode",
and this issue is all about the details, so any response would
merely enhance the confusion.

> If you want universal newlines, you just have to accept
> that you can't also have \r characters meaning something
> other than newlines in your files. This is true regardless
> of what programming language or I/O model is being used.

No, that is not true, and I have used more than one model where
it wasn't.  Let's stick to models where newlines are special
characters - I prefer the ones where they are not, but that is
by the way.

Model 1:  certain characters can be used only in combination.
E.g. \f must occur immediately before (or after) a \n, which
it modifies.  r is either a newline-with-overprint or must be
associated with a \n.  In both cases, only ONE of the alternatives
is permitted in the chosen model - the other use then becomes an
error (and raises an exception).

Model 2: (BCPL) there are a variety of newline characters, \n for
plain newline, \f for newline-with-form-feed and \r for newline-
with-overprint.  ALL cause a newline, with the associated property.

Note that the above is what the program sees - what is written
to the outside world and how input is read is another matter.

But I can assure you, from my own and many other people's experience,
that neither of the above models cause the confusion being shown by
the postings in this thread.

Nick Maclaren,
University of Cambridge Computing Service,
New Museums Site, Pembroke Street, Cambridge CB2 3QH, England.
Email:  nmm1 at cam.ac.uk
Tel.:  +44 1223 334761    Fax:  +44 1223 334679

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