[Python-Dev] SSL 1.7

Bill Janssen janssen at parc.com
Sat Oct 13 04:07:32 CEST 2007

I've now got a large complex long-lived threaded server asyncore-based
(Medusa) multi-client server program running on OS X with Python 2.3.5
and the "older-Python" SSL module.  I had to make a number of changes
to the code; primarily fixing the way that certain "socket" methods
are called on the SSLSocket, and in the C code, allowing for changes
to the socket blocking attribute that are made out-of-band from use of
the SSL context.

I'll fold that back into the trunk next week, and produce a patch for
the 3K branch after that.

Meanwhile, I've updated the PyPI package to SSL 1.7.

Paul, this also fixes (I hope :-) the setup.py bug you mentioned in

Chris, you might want to try this one with Twisted; I believe it will
work OK.

One thing to watch out for: ssl.SSLError can't inherit from
socket.error, as it does in 2.6+, so if you are catching exceptions,
you need to trap them like:

  except ssl.SSLError, x:
  except socket.error, x:

which idiom will continue to work for 2.6 and later.


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