[Python-Dev] Backporting Decimal

Facundo Batista facundobatista at gmail.com
Tue Oct 2 19:56:40 CEST 2007


I don't decide myself what to do in this case.

The Decimal module appeared in 2.4, and received just slight
modifications for 2.5. Since it appeared, a "just download and use it"
version was available for Python 2.3 users.

But for 2.6, it was fully renewed. Not only was updated to the last
spec from Cawlishaw, but also a lot of (very slightly, arithmetic
corner cases) bugs were fixed. Also, it received a lot of code
simplifications and speedups. All this is, in most part, because Mark
Dickinson was involved here, and he did (and is doing) a great work.

When 2.6 is out, I'll update that downloadable for Py2.3. But what to
do with Py2.5?

Decimal is a pretty stand alone module, and I'm absolutely sure that
just backporting the whole module and its testcases will fix a lot of
problems, and Py2.5 users will have new functionality, but is this ok?
(of course, I can not be 100% sure that any bugs were introduced in
these modifications).


Thank you very much!

.    Facundo

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