[Python-Dev] [poll] New name for __builtins__

Suraj Barkale suraj at barkale.com
Wed Nov 28 19:13:09 CET 2007


Christian Heimes <lists <at> cheimes.de> writes:
> GvR likes to rename the __builtin__ to reduce confusing between
> __builtin__ and __builtins__. He wanted to start a poll on the new name
> but apparently he forgot.
> >From http://bugs.python.org/issue1498
> What name do you prefer? I'm +1 with Raymond on __root__ but I'm still
> open for better suggestions.

    I lurk around in this list on gmane and I am a Python user. I just wanted to
add my shade of color :) As __builtins__ provides identifiers present in python
language, I would prefer __py__ or __lang__ over __root__.

Thanks for reading,

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