[Python-Dev] for loop with if filter

martin at martinthomas.net martin at martinthomas.net
Fri Nov 16 17:11:25 CET 2007

I started thinking about itertools when I saw this then I realised  
that your question was about changing the syntax to produce fewer  
lines of code rather than writing more effiicient code.. seemed like a  
case where you could use ifilter.


  are talking about cvhanging the syntax rQuoting Gustavo Carneiro  
<gjcarneiro at gmail.com>:

> I am finding myself often doing for loops over a subset of a list, like:
>         for r in results:
>             if r.numNodes != numNodes:
>                 continue
>             # do something with r
> It would be nice if the plain for loop was as flexible as list
> comprehensions and allowed an optional if clause, like this:
>         for r in results if r.numNodes == numNodes:
>             # do something with r
> Has this idea come up before?  Does anyone else like this idea?
> --
> Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro
> INESC Porto, Telecommunications and Multimedia Unit
> "The universe is always one step beyond logic." -- Frank Herbert

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