[Python-Dev] Special file "nul" in Windows and os.stat

Facundo Batista facundobatista at gmail.com
Tue Nov 6 19:32:26 CET 2007

2007/11/6, "Martin v. Löwis" <martin at v.loewis.de>:

> We certainly should rely on the Windows behavior. The next question then
> is: What exactly *is* "the Windows behavior". Windows is not just
> inconsistent across versions, but apparently so even within a single
> version.

+1 for QOTW

> IIUC, GetFileAttributes and FindFirstFile both claim that NUL exists,
> whereas GetFileAttributesEx claims that it doesn't exist, all in a
> single version, and all is Windows API.
> Please understand that Python 2.4 *also* adheres to Windows behavior.

So, in Py2.4 we adhered to windows behaviour in one way, and in 2.5 we
adhere to windows behaviour in other way. As Windows is inconsistant
with itself, we got a behaviour change.... right?

If yes, we have three paths to follow... leave 2.5 as is and say that
the behaviour change is ok (windows fault), change 2.5 to use the same
API than 2.4 and get the same behaviour, or hardwire the behaviour for
this set of special files...

What do you think we should do?


.    Facundo

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