[Python-Dev] Final (final?) update to patch about socket timeout...

Facundo Batista facundo at taniquetil.com.ar
Fri Mar 23 20:22:54 CET 2007

Facundo Batista wrote:

> Guido van Rossum wrote:
>> Looks good. I forget -- can you check this in yourself? If so, do it!
>> If not, let me know and I'll do it for you. Thanks for doing this!
> Done. You're welcome.

Tests failed because of this commit *only* in "alpha Tru64 5.1 trunk" buildbot.

The test that failed is one that does:

        sock = socket.create_connection((HOST, PORT), timeout=10)
        self.assertEqual(sock.gettimeout(), 10)

And failed with timeout, obviously because it couldn't connect to itself in 10 seconds.  The "connect to itself" part is implemented in the very same way (i.e. copied) that in the rest of the tests, even using the same port and everything. 

Note that the previous regression test, in this machine, also failed in test_socket, *before* my commit.

My questions are: could this machine be so loaded that it couldn't connect in 10 seconds? Or something is happening in this machine/architecture?

Shall I try to increment the timeout to 60, in these tests (where actually the timeout can be anything) to see what happens?


.   Facundo
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