[Python-Dev] with_traceback

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Sat Mar 3 01:58:59 CET 2007

Greg Ewing wrote:
> Michael Foord wrote:
>> Greg Ewing wrote:
>>> An exception caught and raised in one thread would
>>> be vulnerable to having its traceback clobbered by
>>> another thread raising the same instance.
>> Right - but that would still be *no worse* than the current situation
>> where that information isn't available on the instance.
> Um -- yes, it would, because currently you don't *expect*
> the traceback to be available from the exception. If
> that became the standard way to handle tracebacks, then
> you would expect it to work reliably.

Um... except that the new attributes *obviously* means that the 
traceback information is obviously not going to work where you reuse a 
single instance and to expect otherwise seems naive.

If the new pattern *doesn't* break existing code, but means that using a 
single instance for optimisation (the only justification put forward - 
re-raising being a slightly different case) makes that information 
unreliable; then I don't see that as a reason to reject the change.

Michael Foord

> --
> Greg
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