[Python-Dev] Subversion branch merging

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Fri Jul 13 19:31:13 CEST 2007

Hash: SHA1

On Jul 13, 2007, at 12:54 PM, Martin v. Löwis wrote:

>> Sure, you visually compare with diffs, but you apply those changes  
>> with
>> merges.  This means the end of posting patches because instead  
>> what you
>> would do is post the url to a branch that you published some place.
> But how do you publish stuff? Do you need to run your own web  
> server on
> your dial-up machine?

You could, but you certainly don't need to.  For example, Launchpad 
[1] hosts bzr code branches for anyone working on open source  
software.  Sign in (for free of course) and start pushing your own  
branches immediately[2].

However, there's also no reason why other such services couldn't be  
deployed, perhaps even hosted by the PSF, just like we do with  
Subversion.  The difference is that it doesn't matter because unlike  
running multiple Subversion repositories, dvcs's in general are  
designed to be distributed (duh :).

> I simply cannot imagine that all contributors have access to some
> machine that is always online and willing to host bzr patches (which
> is necessary IIUC).

Having access is easy.  Self-publishing might not be something people  
want to do (it's certainly not something I want to do), but that's  
not a requirement.

- -Barry

[1] <http://www.launchpad.net> which is a service provided by  
Canonical.  Full disclosure: I work for them.  But I'm not touting  
that as a company shill; I really do think that bzr and the Launchpad  
code hosting service provide a lot of benefit.  Be your own judge.

[2] E.g. https://code.launchpad.net/~barry/munepy/trunk

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